Meet OneBoss
OneBoss is not only software, its about service! OneBoss is a web based solution for Mutual Fund Dealers, Exempt Market Dealers, Deposit Brokers, and Exchange Traded Funds in Canada.
Client Portal
This client friendly interface allows advisors to keep clients informed and up to date, in real-time.
Rep Web
This robust system offers full mobile connectivity, allowing advisors to conduct business no matter where they are.
Head office administration tools and setup support.
Ensemble is a personalized ‘robo’ platform which allows advisors to on-board and manage clients’ portfolios in a totally digital environment.
One of the more favourable attributes of OneBoss is that from the moment it went ‘live’, its creators listened to how it worked for advisors and continued to refine the processes so that as a tool its kept sharp, smooth and easy to use.
I would say that One Boss is extremely user friendly, innovative and overall fantastic. It helps the new and experienced advisor easily navigate all the proper documents required for opening up and managing client accounts.

Welcome to Ensemble! your Next Generation Client Service Platform that is powered by OneBoss. We’ve created a digital platform that can be used to automate as much of the client experience as you want, allowing you to customize service levels to meet your growing business. Think about all of the possibilities and applications that will enhance your business.
Once you invite your client onto the Ensemble platform here’s what you get:
- Secure login
- Digital On-Boarding (Robo)
- Electronic signature for all documents
- Fee For Service Accounts that include registered plans
- Automated KYC Questionnaire to determine suitability
- Custom risk based portfolios that you create using low MER F Series funds
- Automated e-signature ready document creation
- KYC and trades integrated into OneBoss, no double entry, no scanning
- Auto Re-balance feature
- Great compliance tool
- ALL ASSETS ARE ON BOOK! No referral required.
How it Works
You initiate the process by sending your client an email invitation to go through a two factor authentication process and start the on-boarding. The client is now able to complete the compliance questionnaire to determine suitability. This is an excellent solution for gathering the client’s risk and objective profile. The results of the questionnaire determines which portfolio is suitable and all related paperwork is generated for e-signature. Once all the documents are e-signed by you and your client the data is passed through OneBoss for processing.
OneBoss Modular Layout
Our modular software subdivides the system, separating functionalities into neatly organized tabs for user efficiency. The software was designed to minimize interdependence between modules increasing the overall speed of the system.
OneBoss maintains client details in a fully searchable format reminiscent of a classic CRM. This straightforward format allows for easy reporting and prepopulated ‘fast forms’.
Fully compatible with Fundserv ESG standards, OneBoss allows for real time execution and reconciliation as an auto-rebalance feature assists in maintaining client portfolios automatically.
OneBoss allows for the maintenance of trust accounts and reconciles to the Trading module.
OneBoss stores client documents and notes that allocate into daily workflows.
OneBoss offers tier I & II compliance with dealer configurable automation features.
The GIC trading module is fully integrated with Cannex, allowing the execution and reconciliation of nominee GIC transactions.
OneBoss offers a fully configurable commission receivables and payables with multiple tier overrides. (EFTs are supported)
OneBoss allows for the management of Fee For Service accounts with the configurable options of using a percentage or fixed dollar method.
The OneBoss Client Portal allows a client to track, in real-time, their portfolio, review statements and graphs, share reports within a ‘Household’, as well as interact with their advisor.
OneBoss streamlines the on-boarding process by adopting a digital approach and eSignatures.
OneBoss integrates well with other third party financial planning softwares and CRMs.
OneBoss will support a fully integrated ETF platform with omnibus capabilities expected of Q1 2020.
OneBoss's modular design allows you to tailor make our solution to fit your business.
Is OneBoss scalable?
Yes, OneBoss is a fully scalable platform that allows almost an unlimited number of clients, that is predicated on your storage capacity.
Does OneBoss provide hosting services?
Yes, OneBoss provides hosting services that enables users to access their back office through a secure login.
Does OneBoss offer support?
Our Ontario based IT team is made up of highly trained specialists who will guide you through the initial setup, data transition and training period.
For additional support,
Call: 1-800-494-1993 ext 3229
For Any Inquiries
Contact us at 1-800-494-1993 ext 3229 or email at